-- On 28 Feb & 1 March 2025 ---
Our Kids
  • Take The Challenge....

    Take The Challenge....

  • 28 Feb - 1 March 2025 ......

    28 Feb - 1 March 2025 ......

  • Hepburn Park Lismore.....

    Hepburn Park Lismore.....

  • Register Now!.....
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The Course

Leg One - Sled Pull


  • Sled Pull - 2 team members start at alternate ends in a seated position at the blocks.
  • Team member one will pull the sled 21 metres to the marker. At this point a marshal will raise a flag indicating that team member 2 may pull the sled back to the start position.
  • This is done for 3 rounds.
  • At the end of the 3 rounds, the next 2 team members repeat this action before moving on to the next leg.
  • NB Males have different weights. Females and juniors have the same weight. These are determined on the day pending on weather and field conditions


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Leg Two - Jerry Cans


Thank you to the 41st Royal NSW REGIMENT, which is proudly supplying the Jerry Cans!


  • In pairs, each team member will carry 2 Jerry Cans up and around an agility pole that is placed 60 m away, then return to the starting line and hand over the Jerry Cans to the other pair.
  • This is to be completed twice.
  • When the whole team has completed it twice and are all back at the starting line, the team can move to the next leg.
  • Males Jerry Cans weigh 20kg each, Females and Junior Jerry Cans weigh 16kg each.


 NCR  Army

Leg Three - Tyre Flip




Male Team (Open and Masters) conducts this Leg individually

Mixed Team conducts this Leg with one female and one male combination

Women's and Junior Teams conduct this Leg as a pair

  • Team member/s FLIP the tyre 50m, then leave the tyre and run back to the tyre starting line and tag the next team member
  • The first 2 team members must remain at the start line until the tyre is returned by the 2nd pairing.
  • The next team member/s then returns to the tyre and flips the tyre back to the start position.
  • The tyre must be flipped, not rolled.
  • The whole tyre must cross the line on changeovers to be considered complete.
  • Teams then move to the next challenge.

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Leg Four - Dead Ball Carry

DEAD BALL CARRY                                                                                                                                                       

Please note there will be lifts with the dead ball for all competitors; please train accordingly.  ALL Men will have a 35kg dead ball, ALL Elite and Competitive Women 25kg dead ball and Junior and Social Women teams only use the 15kg

  • Elite and Competitive team members will lift the Dead Ball over the shoulder for 5 reps, then move to the next point and repeat, there are three points, and then run around the agility pole return to the starting line and hand over the Dead Ball to the next team member.
  • Platinum Women, Social Women, Teen and Junior team members ONLY  will lift 15kg and throw over the shoulder the Dead Ball 5 reps, then move to the next point and repeat; there are three points and then run around the agility pole and return to the starting line and hand over the Dead Ball to the next team member.
  • The Dead ball MUST be carried in front of the competitor, not on the shoulder, when moving to the next point.

  • Everyone does 5 reps


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Leg Five - Prowler Push



  • All team members push the prowler together out to the marker and back to the starting position. This is 100m each way.
  • Please note the whole prowler must completely cross the line before returning the prowler to the starting line.
  • Once the prowler is completely across the starting line, the team can continue to the next Leg.

tnr wealth management

Leg Six - Run to the Pool



  • Teams run 2 km to GSAC
  • Teams must follow the designated running course
  • The next leg may not be started until all members of the team have completed the run.
  • There is one checkpoint along the run that the teams must pass through
  • Make sure you stay between the cones on the northern side of Olivier Ave.

Southern Cross University, one of Platinum Partners, has put together an 8-week training program to help you prepare for the Samson.To download, click here.


Leg Seven - Swimming



NB All Competitors will be showered off in the shower provided outside AS A TEAM for 30 SECONDS before entering the Pool....this is part of Health Regulations, no showering...no getting in the pool. Our awesome Lismore Lions will monitor this; any team not playing by the rules or are rude to our volunteers will incur a 1 minute time penalty.

(Huge thanks to Laser Plumbing for the shower; it's an awesome addition!) 


    • All swimmers must be in the pool BEFORE your team can start. THIS MUST BE STRICTLY ADHERED TO
    • The swim is performed in a relay fashion with TWO team members swimming together in pairs.
    • All team members are at one end of the pool. All members must stay in their lane and in the water during this leg until all members have completed their legs.
    • The 1st pair swims 25m, one behind each other and turns back and swims 25m (totalling 50m); when the second swimmer of the pair touches the wall, only then can the next team pair start their lap, in relay fashion.
    • Every pair swims 5 times.
    • Please swim on one side of the black line; this way, if need be, a second team can share the lane.
    • Please note the pool is 25m; therefore 50m, is up and back.
    • Any stroke is allowed; no flippers can be used😊
    • Swimming aids are only allowed if approved prior to the event by Team Samson.
    • There is an assumption that you can swim, as all members are required to complete the Swim Leg. 



Samson swimming FB


Leg Eight - Run to the Oval



  • Teams run 2 km from GSAC to Hepburn Park
  • Teams must follow the designated running course
  • The next leg may not be started until all members of the team have completed the run.
  • There is one checkpoint along the run that the teams must pass through
  • Make sure you stay on the northern side of Olivier Ave, between the cones, as you are sharing the road with traffic.

A huge thank you to Lord's Taverners who are manning the Run Leg Water Station .... give them a high five as you run past, as we could not do this without them. 

Southern Cross University, one of Platinum Partners, has put together an 8-week training program to help you prepare for the Samson.To download, click here.



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Leg Nine

Wall Ball Throw

* 2 team members at a time throw the Wall ball to each other OVER the designated height.

* Wall Ball starts on the ground, one team member come down and do a 'part' burpee ie your chest must hit the ball

* Then stand up, pick the ball and throw to your tram mate who repeats the process.

* 10 reps each then tag the other two team mates

Guys throw the 10k ball, Girls the 8kg ball




Leg Ten - Obstacle Course



  • The team will make their way through the obstacle course
  • The Team must complete the obstacle before proceeding to the next obstacle
  • Any obstacle not completed by an individual in the team will incur 20 H/O push-upsThe team can not move on until this penalty is completed.
  • The 'Opt Out' penalty for an individual is 20 H/O push-ups. The team can not move on until this penalty is completed.
  • ALL ELITE and COMPETITIVE Teams must complete EVERY Obstacle; the Opt-Out is only for Social teams or after 3 decent goes of an obstacle.
  • Note about Monkey Bars: Each team member must complete the monkey bars; if a team member falls off, they can continue but must return to the start. Alternatively, team members can choose to do 20 Hand/Off push-ups. However, this is only reserved for Social teams or after 3 decent goes of an obstacle.
  • Again, all ELITE and COMPETITIVE are expected to do each obstacle or at least have 3 decent go at each obstacle before 'opting out' to do the 20 H/O push-ups. 


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Leg Eleven - Burpees



  • Each member of the team performs 25 Burpees in a relay fashion.
  • 1st member MUST COMPLETE 25 chest to the ground, hand release Burpees BEFORE tagging the next member who completes their 25 chest to ground, hand release Burpees. This is continued until all members of the team have completed 25 Burpees each.
  • All team members must be present before this leg is commenced.
  • All Burpees must be chest to ground with hand release, and at the top of the Burpee your feet must leave the ground and hands clap above the head, or a "NO REP" will be called.

 BOQ Lismore

Days To Go....

Lismore Samson 01.03.2025 07:00 216 Days
  • Simple Item 6
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